Shaping Peace Together

- 18 September 2020
- Khartoum, Sudan
- 10:00
In the awareness that peace dies if separated from justice, we dream of a world where the Golden Rule, the heart of many civilizations and traditions, becomes the way to pursue personally and collectively. Let us embrace the goal of universal brotherhood, the key to the present and future of our peoples, the only one capable of disarming the throwaway culture and open up to better sharing of goods, interdependence, and dialogue, the main path to peace.
We want to be the change we would like to see happen in the world, and that is why we commit ourselves personally, each one in their own place:
Let us commit ourselves immediately, in today’s world that is in our hands, involving our friends, our colleagues, our civil or religious communities, associations, and national and international institutions. Let’s get our hands dirty together with many people and with creativity, starting from the challenges we face locally.
Many proposed actions are already underway. Here are some of them:
It is written in the Preamble of the UNESCO Constitution of 1945: “wars begin in the minds of men, it is in the minds of men that the defences of peace must be constructed.” In a world torn by all kinds of conflicts, terrorism, destruction, oppression, walls that rise also in the hearts, peace can be built starting from small steps and concrete gestures. It is the fruit of an authentic dialogue, of fraternity lived so that what is recognized today as “the right to peace” may be realized, in the journey towards the unity of peoples.
On 10 December 1948, the General Assembly of the United Nations approved the Universal Declaration of Human Rights: a turning point in the history of humanity, seen – as in the Preamble – as human family. Universality underlines the centrality of human dignity, constitutive of every person and source of fundamental and inviolable rights. They are personal and social rights, which do not coincide with the claims of the individual, nor can they be conceived as their powers; they are essential attributes of every human being and as such worthy of protection.
In the current period of change, rules alone are not enough to prevent violence, widespread illegality, corruption, exploitation. Legality must become a “culture” and a way of life for citizens and institutions, in numerous relationships and in the reciprocity of rights and duties to the point of looking at the good of others as their own.
Plights and events in history tell us that at the bottom of every injustice lies all kinds of choices, violent or not, which exclude or deny the other. So justice awaits the first step in relationships: inclusion and recognition of the dignity of each one. It is sharing beyond every abandonment, openness of oneself beginning with small gestures, giving and immersing oneself in every situation of discomfort and vulnerability. Justice restores, does not destroy, it is a condition of peace.
We share all our actions to promote Human Rights, Peace, Legality, and Justice, and swamp social media with our hashtag: #InTimeforPeace.
Send your experiences, good practices, actions to:
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Grottaferrata, (Rome) Italy
+39 06 94 31 56 35