Call for peace
Dalai Lama once said that world peace passes through us and we need “to grow in the awareness that all human beings are like members of the same family, despite the difference in faith, ideology, political and economic system.” The precious words expressed in the last days of the young Argentine Lucia Buffo, an Economics student who fell ill with leukemia and died at an early age, run along the same lines: “When I was told of the war in Lebanon, I thought, I can offer each pill I take for one less fired bullet.”
Ah! That’s it!! One less bullet and we can become builders of peace in our day-to-day life, wherever we may be. Along with the appeal from Heads of State, political parties, associations and citizens to stop the massacre in Syria, as well as in all the other places in the world where there is ongoing conflict, we also want to join in. Not in a passive way, but in an active manner, we want to be builders of peace and brotherhood that offer our daily actions. For this reason, we who are part of the United World Project have decided to launch a campaign on our website wall: a working table for dialogue, ready to welcome all the ideas, thoughts and actions from the whole world that are aimed at building peace. Our objective is to send a peace appeal letter to the Heads of State.
Do you also want join this virtual working table on dialogue and sharing?
Register on the website wall and leave your own visible sign for peace!