Spiritual, social, and narrative capitals: going beyond capitalism
The EoF Scientific Committee is hosting the second EoF International Summer School, which offers research and dialogue-oriented lectures from leading experts in economic fields.
To whom it is addressed and what it offers
The EoF International Summer School targets Master’s and Ph.D. students, postdocs, and junior researchers in the field of Economics and related Social Sciences. The number of participants is limited to around 40 in order to ensure an ideal ratio between students and lecturers. Students attending the Summer School intensify their knowledge in their fields of study and research and will have the opportunity to get to know peer-leading researchers in an interdisciplinary, co-generative environment. Although the Summer School intends to bring together science academics from different countries, it also encourages the participation of practitioners in the field. This enables mutual enrichment and dialogue between theory and praxis.
The choice of venue, La Verna, located in the Tuscan Apennines, was purposely selected for the peculiar experience it offers to the attendees through discovering the spiritual abundance in the life of St. Francis and the unique landscape and natural beauty. The Summer School is a one-week program, onsite. The program comprises a full-time mix of lectures and workshops taught by EoF professors and other invited leading scholars. The program also includes a number of relevant field trips and cultural events.
Luigino Bruni
Economist and historian of economic thought, with growing interests in ethics, biblical studies, and literature.
Aneeqa Malik
Integral Research Associate, an ‘innerpreneur’ and community stewardess.
Pierluigi Sacco
Professor of Economic Policy at University of Chieti-Pescara, Senior Advisor to the OECD, Paris, Research Affiliate at metaLAB (at) Harvard and ISPC-CNR Naples
A complete list of Professors will soon be communicated
Valentina Rotondi, Lecturer and Researcher SUPSI and Nuffield College
Matteo Rizzolli, Associate Professor of Economic Policy at LUMSA University
To apply:
- Click the link above to fill up the form
- The deadline for application was March 17, 2023
- Each application will be examined and accepted by EoF Summer School Scientific Board, coordinated by Valentina Rotondi and Matteo Rizzoli
- Applicants will be notified of the outcome of their application via email by March 31, 2023
- Deadline for Tuition Payment: April 21, 2023
- Participation is guaranteed upon receipt of the full payment
- In the application form, there is a limited number of requests for Subsidy (or Grant)
- The EoF Summer School will be conducted in English
- The program will not be available online.
Logistic notes:
Registration Fee: €300
La Verna will be the venue for both accommodation and sessions.
The fee covers accommodation and food for 6 days (from the dinner on Sunday, June 18th, to the lunch on Friday, June 23rd). The EoF Organizing Committee covers organizational costs, excursions, and transfers to and from Arezzo/La Verna based on June 18 arrival and June 23 departure. Any transfer exceptions will have to be assessed individually, and expenses will be shouldered by the participant.
How to pay the tuition fees?
If you have been selected to attend the EoF Summer School 2023 and would like to complete your registration by paying the tuition fees, we will send you instructions for online payment and and guidelines for eventual cancellation.
For further details please contact us via