United World Project


“Nu munn onest” – Story on a song for legality

4 June 2024   |   Italy, Legality,

On the 23rd of May 2024 in a school on the outskirts of Ponticelli, Naples a piece entitled “Nu munn onest” (An honest world) was presented. The song is the conclusion of a vaster project on the theme and values of legality.

Educating to beauty and fighting degradation are the key starting points for combating the danger of running into paths of illegality.

Real and constant danger that accompanies the youth of this school and of this neighborhood every day.

Ponticelli, as with many other neighborhoods in Naples, has a complex history regarding criminality. This neighborhood, unfortunately, has often been associated with problems of organized crime, particularly with the presence of the Camorra, the Neapolitan mafia. But it is also distinguished for its resilience. In fact, despite these difficulties, school, church and local associations actively work to improve life in the neighborhood by promoting educational, cultural and social activities aimed at offering a positive alternative to the youth.

The youth (approximately around 45 in number) ranging from the ages of 11 to 14 years, a few with some disabilities, followed a theoretical-practical 3-month formation course on musical activities directed towards the composing of lyrics and a melody of a song on the theme of legality and were as well as in charge of the music production other than the audio registration of the song. They also made a video clip available on all digital stores.

On the 23rd of May, Legality Day is celebrated in Italy, to commemorate the anniversary of the Capaci mafia massacre, in which state servant Giovanni Falcone, his wife and the men of his escort lost their lives.

Lyrics of “Nu munn onest” in English:

We want an honest world, where the future can be beautiful

We want a bit of peace, because we don’t like this place

A park full of colors where children run around

You tell me where happiness lies

It can no longer be found

1st Verse:

I wake up troubled once again in the middle of the night

Thinking of the life you are wasting

You feel battered but you’re always lucky

Because I have always forgiven you

I still remember when we used to play football

Every day in the neighborhood, we used to call you a champion

What happened to you? You suddenly left

You ran to hell and left paradise behind


We want an honest world, where the future can be beautiful

We want a bit of peace, because we don’t like this place

A park full of colors where children run around

You tell me where happiness lies

It can no longer be found

2nd Verse:

Your teary eyes are melting in contempt

Your falling tears are pearls, believe me

Don’t be ashamed to cry, cry as hard you can

We’ve all made mistakes, the important thing is to be aware of it

Don’t think about people judging you, you can still change

People know what they’re doing, they only think about judging

No one is better than you and you are not better than others

We’re all the same in this messed up world


If you nt, you can find happiness

But you must not give up in the face of difficulties

Emotions are stronger than wickedness

You are still young,

Your life is yours, don’t forget that


We want an honest world where the future can be beautiful

You tell me where happiness lies

It can no longer be found

Chorus 2:

We want a beautiful life, but not the way you imagine it

A life where butterflies fly in this big blue sky

We wish to see the sun, even if it rains outside

Of course happiness is there, you just have to search for it