Genfest 2018: “Beyond all borders”

6 July 2018   |   World Trade Center (Manila, Philippines)
Genfest 2018

The hotly contested issue of borders is the theme for the 11th edition of the Genfest, the inter-active international youth meeting promoted by the Focolare Movement. Participants are not shying away from the subject of geographic borders, but they also turn their gaze to social and cultural borders. All that hinders the possibility of real encounter, anything that blocks honest personal interactions, all that creates needless barriers in and among communities.

“Beyond all borders” is the theme of the event. It’s an invitation to face up to those borders or limits that spring from our own selfishness or prejudice, from our indifference and lack of concern for others, from our fears so often stoked up by blatant or insidious misinformation. You are invited personally to participate – even at a distance – because a more peaceful and united world will only be built up by individuals changing within themselves, opening up their minds and hearts to a positive global vision, respecting diversity, accepting the challenge of working in favor of the common good including development and progress for all.

This audacious challenge is extended not only to all the young people, over 6,000 of them, from 18 to 30 years of age, gathered in the capital city of the Philippines, but also to the thousands more following the Genfest event by satellite or streaming, as well as the 23 regional editions taking place around the world. Young people in all continents, from different cultures, traditions, ethnic groups, religious faiths and political persuations, linked together by a common desire to build a more just, more united world.

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