DialogUE: Dialogue and fraternity or fraternity and dialogue

11 March 2023   |     |   15:00

DialogUE “Diverse Identities Allied Open to Generate a United Europe” is promoted by a consortium of 14 CSOs from 9 EU Member States (IT, BE, AT, DE, RO, SK, HU, IE, PT).

Through an innovative approach, it invest on thematic exchanges about EU integration process and policies among 7 Categories of citizens constituting 4 Bilateral Dialogue Groups: – Among Christians (Catholics, Protestants, Ortodox) – Among Catholics and Muslims – Among Catholics and non-confessional citizens (atheist and Marxists) – Among Western and Eastern Europe Such “Dialogues” will participate to international meetings to highlight their perspectives about Communication, Ecology and Social Policies, and formulating recommendations for EU decision makers both as single Dialogue group and transversal recommendations shared among all.

The project aims to favour the emersion of cross-cutting dimensions of Identity overcoming national boundaries, contributing to the building process of EU Citizenship, being careful to ensure gender balance and intergenerational dimension.


– Reinforce dialogue skills of citizens, in a context of increased polarization

– Contribute to generate awareness about recent strategic EU documents and participation tools

– Reinforce networking approach of the consortium and its advocacy capacities


Through the implementation of 12 international meetings, a training for facilitators and thematic experts, a large scale event open to the public and a visit to Brussels to meet EU decision makers, and a social campaign called “What Can I do for EU?” , the project will direct involve 1200 Citizens and indirectly outreach more than 10.000.

“Dialogue KIT” collecting all the expertise generated will be published and made available for educators, academic, NGOs operators and decision makers.


18/02/2023, 15:00 – 17:00 – The necessity of  identity

21/02/2023, 19:00 – 21:00 – Beyond the impossible 2 year experience of online dialogue between East-West Europe

25/02/2023, 15:00 – 17:00 – The inevitability of the ‘other’

03/03/2023, 19:00 – 21:00 – Together for Europe

04/03/2023,  15:00 – 17:00 – The secret of true relationship: the Golden Rule

11/03/2023, 15:00 – 17:00 – Dialogue and fraternity or fraternity and dialogue

23/03/2023, 17:00 – 19:00 – Secularity vs religion? Learn from opposites. The experience between Christians and Marxists

25/03/2023, 15:00 – 17:00 – Interfaith Dialogue:  birth, developments and prophecy

It will be a discovery which responds to the need to communicate and discover the wealth of each person, specifically valuing what unites, viewing differences as a fertile ground to grow patiently respecting everybody.

Participate by filling out the registration form at the following link: https://forms.gle/mhvoaTkdrfdqc9kV9

For further information, please contact: dialogue@new-humanity.org