United World Project


Polo Solidaridad

There are 11 industrial poles distributed over the 5 continents, where several of the companies are located, and whose purpose is to give visibility to the project.  One of them in Argentina, located in the town of O ́Higgins, province of Buenos Aires: the SOLIDARITY POLE.

The objective of its creation is to disseminate the project, through the creation and promotion of an industrial pole, in which companies that adhere to the culture of the EoC will be located.

The companies that make up the pole are the following:

– Primicias: Open air and greenhouse vegetable crops

Norma Maliandi: production and sale of cosmetic products, based on beekeeping

– Herrería Ferrarotti: Blacksmith and metallurgist.

Pasticcino: production of homemade cookies.

A new culture, a lifestyle, a new way of doing business…


Aedec. Asociación de Empresas adheridas a la Economía de Comunión de Argentina.



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