
‘Knowing in order to communicate’. Interview with Roberta Formisano
Interview with Roberta Formisano, an Italian TV production assistant at Tv2000, the Italian bishops’ conference broadcaster, graduated in Sociology of Communication. A young woman with a passion for communication that began at a young age. ‘Already at the age of...
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‘And the Party goes on’ by Robert Guédiguian, when politics and love come together to serve the common good
A story of strong social commitment and intimacy, beautifully portrayed, restores the hope that it is still possible to strive for a better world, even in the face of today’s overwhelming challenges. Once again, his beloved city, Marseille, is the...
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May 1st at Loppiano 2024: the realism of young peace operators
PRESS RELEASE – LOPPIANO COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Hundreds of young people gathered in Loppiano (Figline and Incisa Valdarno – FI) on May 1st to discover the paths, faces, stories, and initiatives of those who work daily to spread the culture of...
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Art and dance to build peace
Can art be capable of re-establishing borders in people’s hearts? For twenty years, a campus in Montecatini, Tuscany, Italy, has been making the hearts, minds and bodies of Palestinians and Israelis dance in an embrace that goes beyond the unfortunate...
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A man, the sea and so much beauty. Interview with Mauro Pandimiglio
Mauro Pandimiglio has crossed the oceans several times in a sailboat. He knows the sea well, and even more, he loves it. He is the founder of the “Mal di Mare (Seasick)” sailing school, between Montalto of Castro and Pescia...
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“Embrace Humanity, Spark Change”. United World Week 2024 is here!
The countdown has started! United World Week 2024 takes place from 1st-7th May; a truly global expo of initiatives, stories and actions towards universal fraternity, building peace between individuals and peoples across the world. Young people, adults, teenagers, children; teachers,...
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When dance rhymes with unity and fraternity | Part 2
Meeting with Antonella Lombardo, founder of ADW (Academic Dance Workshop) of DanceLabArmonia and of the Armonia for Peace march. Tireless user of art to build fraternity, unity and peace. Read the first part HERE. Antonella Lombardo started studying dance since...
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When dance rhymes with unity and fraternity | Part 1
Meeting with Antonella Lombardo, founder of ADW (Academic Dance Workshop) of DanceLabArmonia and of the Armonia for Peace march. Tireless user of art to build fraternity, unity and peace. Antonella Lombardo started studying dance since she was a child. She...
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