Making Way Together | Newsletter Editorial 08/2024

Making way together, without leaving anyone behind. Not only waiting for those who, due to diverse reasons, are forced into a slower rhythm. Yet as a society we have to work to maintain key concepts like dignity, fulfillment, integration and participation.
So that one feels welcomed and a loved brother or sister; a person as a whole unit, be a human being without ifs and buts, active within his community, in the society in which he is a part. Even though he walks, momentarily or forever, a delicate journey.
We collect stories with these common denominators in our last 2024 newsletter. They are stories from America, Lebanon, Italy, and Mongolia. Stories of yesterday and today that talk to us about equality within diversity, beauty within suffering. Of wounds cured (or to be cured) together.
The first story is that of Irap (Institut de Rééducation Audio Phonétique), which in Lebanon works for the education of the deaf children and adolescents, for their integration into society. With the worsening of the security conditions of the country, however, Irap has started welcoming families from the south, near the borders, fleeing from danger and fear. In this way they extended their cure to the most fragile. We met them and collected their testimonies.
The second story is about Beppe Porqueddu, who in a precious and intense interview tells us how he turned his paraplegia into a more than half-century-long civic engagement. His experience, a service to the whole of society. His tireless work is an important help for many people with physical disabilities.
The third story is a film entitled ‘Napoli New York’ that reminds us of when the Italians were the ones to migrate. We are in the immediate post-World War II period, and through two children, Carmine and Celestina, we meet many of the people of the Boot on their way from Naples to America. Piled up on a ship, they cross the ocean exhausted by the war and poverty, bewildered by an uncertain future. Once reached New York, we meet many other eradicated Italians, forced to rebuild their life and community on the other side of the sea. It is impossible while watching this film not to think of today, with the hope to look at the next needful person with more empathy. The human being who crosses another sea, in a rather dangerous and tragic way with respect to how it was once done, to escape war and poverty.
The fourth story talks about the journey and the Gen Rosso concert in Mongolia: a strong and precious experience that lasted for days. Made up of music, dance, and workshops, as well as meetings with many youth and of an important immersion in the social: the encounter with the orphaned children of the “Verbist Care Center” or the lunch with the “homeless” at the “House of Mercy,” the home that provides meals and shelter to more than 80 people each week.
The last story talks about the public libraries of Los Angeles that not only provide books and culture to people but also services to the homeless and the refugees: primary goods and concrete help towards those who have nothing. No one is left behind, alone.