United World Project


The eternal truth of the Ten Commandments

5 September 2024   |   Italy, Film,
Don Marco Pozza - Ufficio stampa Rai Documentari
Don Marco Pozza – Ufficio stampa Rai Documentari

“The 10+ 2 Commandments” is a beautifully presented documentary series, available on Raiplay, in which The Ten Commandments found in the Bible are re-told through real life stories, guiding us to full and happy lives, with their profound wisdom, ancient yet applicable to modern life.

Composed of 7 episodes, Don Marco Pozza, a priest from the Venice region, goes through The Ten Commandments of the Old Testament in addition to the two extra commandments “of love”, given by Jesus, in answer to the scribe, which sum up the whole Decalogue.

Clear and inspiring, Don Marco, explains their significance in helping us find fulfilment and freedom, the life that God desires for us, even in the face of difficulties; they contain what is essential, rather than surrounding ourselves with empty and harmful idols, without eyes, ears or heart, ready to exploit our need to depend on something.

Don Marco illustrates his reading of The Commandments with stories from many parts of Italy; situations familiar to everyone, painful yet extraordinary, which relate to one or other of the Commandments, and the consequences they hold for us.

He concludes the series by inviting author Erri De Luca and biblical scholar Antonella Anghinoni, to illuminate some of the hidden nuances of these ten (+ 2) words, which offer such sound advice for achieving happiness and wisdom. By interweaving his reflections with real life, we discover how valuable and relevant they are to the way we live.

Episode 1, dedicated to the first two commandments ( You shall have no other gods before me and You shall not take the name of God in vain), deals with the relationship between God and man, and the harmful effect of false idols, such as social isolation by gaming and excessive use of devices,  distancing us from a relationship with God, by substituting something else in his place.  And the greatest hypocrisy of all, when God is used as an excuse to commit atrocities such as the Concentration Camps.

In Episode 2, the third and fourth commandments (You shall observe the Sabbath day and keep it holy and Honour your father and mother), we hear of a man from Sardinia, who, after chasing material success, decides to leave it all behind, in order to have time for his family.  And another example, also from Sardinia, which illustrates the precious legacy of previous generations who pass on their experience and values.

The fourth commandment teaches us to strike a balance when respecting our roots – neither too much nor too little – not forgetting that we are all children of God and “making peace with our past in order to enjoy a newness and freshness of life”, even when relationships with our own parents have not been easy.

The third episode, the fifth and sixth commandments, (You shall not kill, and You must not commit adultery) – refers not only to killing the body, but also a person’s spirit, his dignity, his happiness, his hope, the chance of a full life.

The fourth episode, the seventh and eighth commandments (You must not steal and You must not give false evidence against your neighbour), tells two stories from Calabria in order to highlight the concept of truth and lies; the first leads to life, the second to death. The first values people, their communities and their land, the second destroys them, extinguishes them; it has no scruples, betrays and breaks agreements.

The fifth episode, the ninth and tenth commandments (You must not set your heart on your neighbour’s wife or any of his possessions) – deals with desire, which flourishes when love is shared but leads to stalking, misery and exhaustion, when it desires to possess, following blind passion.

The sixth episode (You shall love the Lord your God and you shall love your neighbour as yourself), brings us to the theme of caring for others, as seen through the story of the community of Calvene: a small Venetian village where Don Marco Pozza was born. Here, in 1983, “Radicà” was born: the non-profit association founded by Don Beppe Gobbo, which welcomes children and adolescents who have experienced hardship and come from difficult backgrounds.

This beautiful example teaches us, on a human and spiritual level, and spiritually, that love for God is manifested in love for others; a lesson which runs throughout this series, with its exceptional content, so delicately handled, and which enables us to absorb so many concepts, by cleverly balancing theological reflections with real life.  A long story (almost seven hours) – there is so much to point out – “The 10 + 2 Commandments”, fully engages us in Christian themes and values; dealing simultaneously with work and bullying, traditions and territories, young and old, priests and lay people, parents and children, men and women of today.

It is a collective story, delightfully portrayed, of wounds and healing, showing and teaching us that the best way to build the common good and care for one another is to remain faithful to The Ten Commandments.