United World Project


CAR ceasefire agreed and signed

28 July 2014   |   , ,
Africa Centrale

General Mohamed Moussa Dhaffane, Muslim Seleka Rebels Chief, explained to euronews:  “This accord is not an agreement between the former Muslim Coalition Seleka and anti-Balaka. The agreement of cessation of hostilities binding on all parts of the CAR. We must cease hostilities, verbal hostilities, armed hostilities of any kind, to bring peace in our country.”

François Chignac, euronews correspondent, reported: “Behind me is where the end to hostilities in Central African Republic were discussed and where the agreement was signed.
“It remains to be seen, though,” Chignac added, “if the acting president and militia leaders will enforce this accord on the ground in a country that has seen thousand of dead and hundreds of thousands displaced over the last 18 months.”

Source: www.euronews.com