‘Child citizens’

‘Child citizens’ is the name of the #daretocare campaign tailored for children. Our website hosts the video launch of the ‘Child citizens’ project, which seeks to promote kids’ involvement and active participation in the life of their cities, giving them the opportunity to express themselves and serve others.
“‘Child citizens’ curiously and actively look for places in their cities where they can help, serve, bring relief, share, take care of other people. By taking part in the so-called pro-social actions, they develop their abilities and contribute to the development of the city. They do so by involving as many members of their community as possible”, explains Carina Rossa, from the Gen 4 Centre, a centre devoted to the accompaniment and education of children aged 4 to 9 within the Focolare Movement. They, the Gen 4, are the real promoters of the ‘Child citizens’ project, an initiative born out of their commitment to love others, which they base their daily lives on, taking concrete action in their cities for a more united world, and spreading the values of peace and universal brotherhood.
The project is part of the #daretocare campaign and is aimed at children and educators. It encourages the participation of children aged 4 to 9 in the implementation of initiatives promoting social cohesion, active citizenship, the common good and respect for nature. To find out more, watch the video below!
Imagen de Michal Jarmoluk en Pixabay