United World Project


Ecuador Emergency

19 April 2016   |   , ,
Emergenza Ecuador

“The solidarity of the people was prompt and concrete: people risking their own lives to help others; testimonies of the many people who lost loved ones; but in the midst of all the suffering there is also the strong-felt faith of the people. It’s quite moving and inspires us to believe in His love.”

In response to the emergency in Ecuador the Focolare Movement has launched a fundraiser while a study is underway to see what can be done locally on the ground.

News has also arrived from Focolare communities in Nagasaki and Tokyo  (Japan): “For two days the country has been immersed in an atmosphere of ‘suspense’ because of the earthquake on Kyushu Island, in the regions of Kumamoto and Oita. The situation has activated an immediate solidarity effort and prayer in both religious and civil sectors.” Local authorities have already made arrangements to welcome the nearly 184,000 displaced persons.

How you can help: Donations sent to the accounts below will be managed jointly by the United World Project (AMU), and New Families Projects (AFN).

In many countries of the European Union and in other countries of the world tax benefits are available for making such donations according to local regulations.

How you can help:

CAUSE: Ecuador Earthquake Emergency

Azione per un Mondo Unito ONLUS (AMU) Azione per Famiglie Nuove ONLUS (AFN)

IBAN: IT16 G050 1803 2000 0000 0120 434

at Banca Popolare Etica

IBAN: IT55 K033 5901 6001 0000 0001 060

at Banca Prossima



Source (article & photo): focolare.org