United World Project


Emergencies – Ecuador two months later

28 June 2016   |   , ,
WB News 2016 06 17 Ecuador 300x223

The emergency coordination of the Focolare Movement has launched a fundraising campaign right away, in order to cope with the demands placed on the necessities, and has set up a working group coordinated by AMU and AFNonlus.

The solidarity of the people, from all over the world, has been quick to respond and we are now able to send the first funds for assistance to the Ecuadorian population under the nutrition profile, health and psychological. The aid will flow primarily to support families in the provinces of Manabi and Esmeraldas, the most affected by the earthquake.

The support activities in this first phase will have a duration of six months (June to November) and during this period, in partnership with the local NGO FEPP (Fondo Ecuatoriano Populorum Progressio), will study the possibility of reconstruction of damaged infrastructure and riactivate of local production activities.

The study of the coming reconstruction and rehabilitation will take place in collaboration with the international network of architecture “Arquitecturalimite”, specializes in design services in the context of socio-economic exclusion.

From 9 to 13 next November, simultaneously with a peace school for youth, a series of architectural workshop concerning its possible interventions of the post-earthquake reconstruction will take place in Quito.


Source: AFNonlus