Prophetic Economy: a new economy at the service of integral development

13 finalists nominated for the PROPHETIC ECONOMY AWARD
135 entries from 35 countries in different parts of the world registered for the Propetic Economy in Practice-Award 2018. The prize-giving ceremony will take place during an event to be held at Castel Gandolfo from 2 to 4 November. The four well-known judges on the panel, that come from four different continents, shortlisted 13 of them: three will receive an award while the other ten will have the opportunity to present their work in the presence of an international audience expected to be participate.
Among the finalists: “La Frutera”, a sustainable and supportive fruit trade in the Philippines; “Isolcalm”, a German project that creates jobs in Africa; and a Colombian project that helps poor people from the community of Saint José de Apartado to survive in the midst of armed conflicts by offering them sustainable alternatives to coca cultivation.
The four judges are Jeffrey Sachs, an American professor of economics, Vandana Shiva, an Indian activist in the field of ecology and sustainibility, Cristina Calvo from Argentina, a lecturer in economics and the Italian Stefano Zamagni, also a professor of Economics.
They will give the result and present the awards to the winners on the November 2, the first day of the international event at Castel Gandolfo, in the presence of adults and youth from different parts of the world, all interested and involved in working for a more just, sustainable and supportive society.
The programme includes interventions by keynote speakers from the fields of economics and ecology. The youngest speaker will be Felix Finkbeiner, a 21 year old German who set up an organization that planted more than 15 billion trees to improve climatic conditions. Workshops, sharing and discussions will offer one the opportunity to discover the many initiatives and projects sustained by those who fight poverty through a more supportive and fair economy or who promote a more sustainable and ecological lifestyle. The youths and adults who will participate in the various activities organized will also be able to share their views and exchange their ideas and hopes about a more just and sustainable future.
“Ideas and contributions that help to solve the big challenges of our planet and offered by the poor will also be highlighted; this shows inclusion and hope” comments Jean Tonglet of ATD Fourth World Movement.
For further information on the “Prophetic Economy” event at Castel Gandolfo and the Award finalists: www.propheticeconomy.org, Facebook (/PropheticEconomy) and Twitter (@PropheticEconom).